Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT)

Published in biorxiv, 2022

Recommended citation: Joodaki, M., Shaigan, M., Parra, V., Buelow, R. D., Kuppe, C., Hölscher, D. L., ... & Costa, I. G. (2022). Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT). bioRxiv, 2022-12.

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Recommended citation:Joodaki, M., Shaigan, M., Parra, V., Buelow, R. D., Kuppe, C., Hölscher, D. L., … & Costa, I. G. (2022). Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT). bioRxiv, 2022-12.